Debbi is the modern Mary Jane pump with a dressy feel. The style is crafted from cherry red patent leather and features a squared toe shape, an adjustable strap with buckle fastening and leather insoles. The low heels measure 25 mm.
Cherry red patent leather
Squared toes
Adjustable straps with buckles
25 mm heels
Leather insoles
For long-lasting care: use a polishing cloth to retain the shiny upper.
Article no.: 5818-160-38
2025-01-13TranslatedAbsoliučiai mėgstamiausi batai! Nuostabūs ir puikiai pagaminti. Tačiau: jie yra gana siauri ir mažesni. Man tinka vienu dydžiu didesni.Kathrin Sslightly small ,(Vagabond)
2024-10-28TranslatedLabai patogūs batai, kokybė be jokių priekaištų. Šiek tiek didesni nei standartinis dydis.Katarzyna Aslightly large ,(Vagabond)
2024-10-10TranslatedNuostabi batai. Forma, spalva, kulno aukštis - viskas tobulai. Deja, tai yra nepatogiausi batai, kuriuos kada nors turėjau, vandens pūslės ir spaudžiamos vietos visur, nors jie man nėra per maži.MaryLoutrue to size ,(Vagabond)
2025-02-26TranslatedMarzannatrue to size ,(Vagabond)
Materials & Production
Materials & Production
Cow Leather, Italy
Textile, (100% Tencel™), China
Goat Leather, Chrome Free Tanned, Pakistan
Read more about LWG ratings here.
Some materials stated above may also be produced in other countries.
* This style may also be manufactured in other factories than stated above. See all factories that we work with here.
Shoe care
Delivery & Returns
Delivery & Returns
Free standard shipping and free returns.

We offer a return period of 30 days from the day you receive your package. The product you wish to return must be packed in its original packaging and carefully enclosed in an outer packaging to avoid damages. Please reuse the original outer packaging if possible or use one with similar measurements. Read more about returns.
We offer a free exchange of size within 30 days. Your new product will be sent as soon as the return has been processed at our warehouse. Please register your exchange here.